TCPAxcess 5250 Emulation
for the Macintosh |

Emulation for Mac? to AS/400 Over TCP/IP
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Emulation for Macintosh
TCPAxcess from NLynx/Decision Data is a
software package that allows your Macintosh? computers to
access an IBM? AS/400? through a TCP/IP network. Now any Mac
on the network can connect to the AS/400 for terminal services
and file transfer?all through the familiar user interface
common to all MacMidrange products from Decision Data.
- Provides the terminal emulation component of the TCP/IP connection. TCPAxcess will connect directly to an
AS/400 through either Token-Ring, Ethernet, or LocalTalk networks. This software supports PrinterAxcess® (supplied with this release) and ETU® file transfer (available from Decision Data or selected resellers.)
- Works in combination with Apple® Computer Inc.?s or Open Transport software for the Macintosh Operating System. This software implements TCP/IP protocols which allow Macintosh computers to use TCP/IP.
- Uses the Telnet protocol to communicate to the AS/400 for
true TN5250E emulation on your Macintosh.
- Easy Configuration. Supports Mac OS versions 8, 8.86 and
9,and Open Transport for easy configuration in most Mac environments. Multiple host connection are easily configured. Includes printer emulation for increased productivity.
- Hotspots identify host menu items. Host menu items and
function keys can be assigned colors. Employ this aesthetic and intuitive approach to locate them quickly and easily.
- Apple scriptable. Define Apple scripts for automated sign-on,
repetitive data entry, or unattended operation.
- ETU file transfer support. ETU, an industry standard from
Decision Data, allows direct file transfer between the PC and System/36, Advanced Series/36, or AS/400.
- Online keyboard remapping.
- Supports 132 columns.
- Resizable windows allow you to display more than one session at a time.
- Color attributes can be modified.
- Copy and Paste allows you to copy to and from the AS/400 to your Macintosh (with Copy and Append, you can copy
multiple screens and then paste all at once.)
- Can be used with front-ending toolkits to provide custom user interface or task automation.
- Supports TN5250E print emulation over TCP/IP.
The TCPAxcess Package:
- Available in 1-, 8-, 16-, 32-, or 64-session configurations
- Terminal and printer emulation software
- MacMidrange User?s Guide (PDF)
- Installation Guide (PDF)
- PrinterAxcess
Part Number:
Supported Devices:
Displays |
5252-11 5291-1 5292-2 (color) 3179-2 (color) 3180-2 |
Printers |
3812-1 (non-ipds) |
Limited one-year warranty for hardware and 90 days for firmware/software. The ASSISTSM Program is
available to provide extended technical support services. Ask for current rates and
Technical Regulatory Approval: FCC, CE
System Requirements:
Apple Macintosh
- Mac IIci including all Power Macs
- 2 MB of available RAM
- System & Finder 7.5.5 or later
- LocalTalk, TokenTalk, or EtherTalk
IBM Midrange
- IBM AS/400 with token ring or Ethernet controller
- IBM TCP/IP Connectivity Utilities/400
- IBM OS/400 (V3R2, mod 0 or later)
- File transfer requires ETU or suitable
FTP-compatible Mac program
Related Products:
- ETU?:
File transfer utility that resides on the S/3X or AS/400 and provides
menu-driven options for transfer and translation of data between the
PC and host.
- ES/TEC-2:
Economical IBM-compatible, plug-and-play, two-session card (requires
Memory Segment and IRQ)
- ES/3XTwin:
DOS emulation software and 5250 ISA adapter
- ES/PCI?:
Windows 95/98/2000/NT emulation software and 5250 PCI adapter
- InterLynx/S (discontinued): Cost-effective, secure remote access Internet gateway for Macs and PCs. Supports an unlimited number of users.
- ES/Remote:
Software and hardware combination that allows users
dial-up remote access to an IBM Midrange System. Works in conjunction
withNLynx?s Axcess/400? Remote Access Unit. Also available for
Macintosh and DOS users.
- ES/Server:
Low-cost gateway, connecting via Twinax to an IBM
Midrange to share seven emulation sessions (per adapter) over an
Ethernet or Token Ring LAN.
Selected information on this page
Copyright? 1997-2001 by Decision Data, Austin, TX U.S.A. |